- 小伙
- 有效2022-9-5 21:27
我找到了几个国外高加索犬场的论坛, 里面有几篇文章不错的, 但都是英文. 我选了几篇. 分别是关于喂养, 训练和免疫的. 文章较长, 先翻译一个有关喂养的. 供大家参考. 高姐, 这文章里一些和你以前帖子有出入的概念你也批判地看看啊, 集思广益么, 呵呵, 一切为了高加索.
有外文好的爱高的铜子们, 有空都去找些文章翻译了贴上来啊. 有关高加索现在流行很多理念的, 都拿来这里讨论一下, 总会找到最合适的我们国家具体情况的. 论养高咱跟俄罗斯是比不了了, 总不能输给别的国家啊.
另外铜子们, 由于该文章是本人翻译的, 大家如果有喜欢的或者转载的,请注明是转自本论坛.
最好的企业卖的是理念, 最好的犬场也不能光卖狗的. 高姐, 这样大家讨论讨论, 你要是有空就整理整理, 加些具体的喂养,训练案例就是本书啦. 有自己的书那可就又和别的犬场不一样了.
"BARF" stands for "bones - and - raw - food." We highly recommend two fascinating and important books written by veterinarian Dr. Ian Billinghurst: Give Your Dog a Bone and Grow Your Pups on Bones. Now there is a new book by Billinghurst: The BARF Diet. Here at Courageous Caucasians, we try to follow this philosophy almost exclusively. Although we do have a good-quality dry dog food on hand (for those days when I'm in a hurry or just plain lazy), pups up to two years of age and pregnant or nursing moms always get raw meat, bones and/or vegetables for their meals. During the cold months of winter/early spring, our dogs feed on the carcass of an animal that has died - a frail calf, cow that has died in childbirth, etc., a "smorgasbord" of the most natural food of all.
As ranchers say around these parts, "As long as there is a dead animal around, I don't feed my dogs." Does this seem crude to some of you "city folks"? Let me tell you there is nothing more natural. The stomach contents are not just run through a food processor, they are just as a wild dog, coyote or wolf would eat - digested by the prey animal itself. The exercise of pulling, gnawing and ripping the meat and crunching the bones is great for building and maintaining muscle tone, again, as nature intended. Never are coats so shiny or teeth so white as when feasting on a downed animal.
In fact, the BARF diet is what dogs have eaten for several hundred thousand years!
How old to start a puppy on the BARF diet? Our pups are weaned on chicken wings and necks. At 3-1/2 weeks old, the puppies get to gnaw on and fight over them. They also get raw lamburger or hamburger mixed in with shredded raw veggies or fruits, various natural supplements (cod liver oil, kelp, brewers yeast, etc., etc.) moistened with raw milk. Their mom, still nursing her puppies, eats the left-overs.
事实上,所谓的“BARF食谱”正是所有的狗数十万年来的主食。从什么时候开始给小狗喂养“BARF食谱”呢? 我们的小狗从小时候开始就会喂一些鸡翅膀和鸡脖子(生的)。在三个半周的时候,小狗们就开始争抢咬碎这些鸡翅和鸡脖子了。我们也会喂它们生的汉堡或者已汉堡混杂生的蔬菜和水果碎块,同时我们也喂食一些混合了牛奶的自然的食品以补充营养(鲟鱼肝油,褐藻以及啤酒用酵母,等等,等等)。她们的母亲也会继续喂养它们,同时也能吃些它们吃剩的上述食物。
Since the 1930's the health of the dog in the western world has gradually declined. This decline in health, particularly the skeletal health of pups and the reproductive health of their parents, has paralleled marked changes in two vital aspects of canine management: Firstly, our dogs have suffered an unprecedented change in their eating habits with the introduction of commercial dog food. Secondly, there has been a gradual change in the sort of exercise our dogs have been allowed. Our dogs' exercise which used to consist of free running over large areas, play and eating exercise, has gradually changed to forced and inappropriate exercise together with a complete lack of eating exercise. This quote is from Dr. Ian Billinghurst from his book Grow Your Pups On Bones.
Commercial dog food cannot even begin to duplicate the dog's natural diet, and should never be regarded as complete and adequate.
Reasons: Commercial dog food is...
· Based on grain and low-quality ingredients,
· Low in digestibility and nutritional value,
· Cooked with extremely harsh methods which destroys vitamins, enzymes and anti-oxidants and changes nutrients into unusable forms,
· Contains chemical preservatives, rancid and/or damaged fats and other toxins,
· Contains excessive amounts of calcium, protein, salt, fat and calories,
· Deficient in essential fatty acids,
· Does not allow for the eating exercise which is important for maintaining the skeletal and muscular systems, in short, a whole-body exercise.
Regarding cooked food, Billinghurst concludes, "When food is cooked, it retains sufficient nutrients to keep your dog alive with no obvious immediate problems. It does not, however, allow your dog to have a long, healthy, trouble-free life. Cooked or commercial dog food is responsible for much ill health including cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, arthritis, pancreatic disease, etc. In short, dogs fed on cooked foods live shorter, less healthy, more miserable lives.
NEVER, NEVER feed your dog COOKED bones!!! Cooked bones are extremely dangerous. Cooked bones are the ones that are most likely to be caught in the mouth, to pierce the intestines, to set like concrete in the large bowel. Cooked bones can be potentially fatal to dogs. Raw bones, on the other hand, are digested and contain the essential minerals in natural form.
An added BONUS: Your dogs will have the cleanest, whitest teeth without brushing! I used to think -- "Yeah, right. How can bones clean teeth?" But proof is in the pudding. One day my husband Jim told me, "You know, I never really thought about it before, but Czara's teeth look as pearly white as a puppy's." And she's eight years old and has never had her teeth brushed. Now, when we do feed dry dog food, I notice my dogs' teeth getting a bit dingy looking. Not to worry. Just switch back to BARF, and after a few days of eating raw meaty bones, they're clean again.
How often to feed? Billinghurst mentions that dogs fed on a raw, natural diet often do not crave food the way the commercially fed dogs do, are more satisfied with their meals and do not require their food to arrive as frequently. An increasing number of dog owners whose dogs are started on whole raw foods find that they only need to feed their dogs every second or third day. And these dogs are magnificently healthy and happy.
A regular fast of one to two days duration every couple weeks will help keep your dog a lean, mean machine. For pups, limit the fast to skipping a meal or fasting for a 12 hour period, every one or two weeks. (Fasting is good for people, too.)
Billinghurst's Ten Secrets of Successful Puppy Rearing:
· First Secret: Heaps of raw meaty bones -- 60-80% of total food intake
· Second Secret: Grow your pup slowly, lean and slightly hungry, not at maximum growth rate.
· Third Secret: Feed your pup a wide variety of natural foods.
· Fourth Secret: Feed your pup mostly raw foods.
· Fifth Secret: Feed your pup foods suitable for growth, high in good-quality protein, fats, vitamins and minerals.
· Sixth Secret: Do not base the diet of your pup on raw steak, commercial dog food and calcium supplements.
· Seventh Secret: The only exercise allowed is play (and eating exercise).
· Eight Secret: Have your pup spend most of his day outside in the fresh air on clean earth and grass, in the sun, with ample fresh water available.
· Ninth Secret: Diet balanced over time, not by providing balance in every meal.
· Tenth Secret: Is a puppy raised with love, resulting in a strong immune system, a puppy that is "watched," and fed according to his weight, condition and general health.
1. 切换到喂食生的带肉的骨头——要占到总食粮的60%——80%。
2. 让你的小狗缓慢地,苗条地稍微带些饥饿感地成长,不要让它们以最快的速度生长。
3. 给小狗喂食种类繁多的自然食品。
4. 基本上给小狗喂食生食。
5. 给你的小狗喂食对适合生长的食物,富含高质量的蛋白质,脂肪维生素和矿物质。
6. 不要主要给小狗喂食生的牛排,商业狗粮和钙片。
7. 对小狗来说唯一适合的训练就是玩耍(或者还有进食训练)
8. 让你的狗大多数时间都呆在室外,呼吸新鲜空气,在干净的土地上和草地上玩耍,享受充足的光照,同时保证其有充足的水源补充。
9. 总的来说喂养的食品要营养均衡,但不是每一顿都要追求营养均衡。
10. 如果一个 小狗在充满爱心的环境下成长,那么它会拥有更强的免疫力。要关注你的 小狗,要根据它的体重,身体条件和健康状况来喂养你的小狗
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